Not quite. Truck Suds A truckin’ soap opera Miles here. We had some reg’lar readers send emails an such, wondrin’ what-all was goin’ on with my blog. Kinda missed it, they said. Thank you kindly for sayin’ that. This’ll be the last blog edition of TruckSuds, though, as Nadine says…
TruckSuds : a truckin’ soap opera Hey, everbody, Miles here. I’m gonna let T-Dawg ramble with one of his stories while the rest of us try to figure out just what-all to tell you ‘bout the last few months here at Mamie’s. Been a hell of a ride, all I…
“Hey, Miles, since your better half isn’t here, how about tellin’ us a Nadine story?”
TruckSuds: a truckin’ soap opera Mamie’s was kinda in a bit of a fuss yesterday. Seems a trucker hadn’t been payin’ enough attention an’ when he backed out beside another rig in a really tight space – he took off the mirrors on the driver’s side. Luckily the mirrors gave…
TruckSuds: a truckin’ soap opera Hey, everbody. Short of time today, but wanted to share somethin’ that happened last Monday. You know my wife, Nadine, is a mite feisty at times. If she suddenly got reincarnatated, she’d be the chihuahua challenging a St. Bernard. That’s jus’ her nature. Remember when…
TruckSuds – a truckin’ soap opera It got a little lively around here last week. Clarissa had gotten herself kinda settled in lookin’ after my sister, Flora, and her lil’ cat that had a broken wrist too. She refused to let my sis pay her for the help, though, ’cause…
TruckSuds: a truckin’ soap opera Miles here. Last time, we left a bunch of truckers listenin’ to T-Dawg’s description of yet another of B.A.’s adventures in trucking. Trooper Snakes had just offered B.A. a deal on how much over the speed limit he’d been drivin’, an’ in spite of the…
TruckSuds: a truckin’ soap opera Hey, everbody, let’s kinda catch up with what’s been goin’ on at Mamie’s. You’ll recall Clarissa fainted onto the floor in a heap when she saw Trooper Snakes waitin’ to talk to her. B.A. set down his coffee mug an’ said, “Well, now, that’s the…
TruckSuds: a truckin’ soap opera Hey, everbody – I’m sorry that I’m runnin’ a mite behind, but there’s really been a lot goin’ on around here. You remember last week, a mean-to-the-bone trucker had slapped his girlfriend an’ then run off an’ left her here at Mamie’s. The grungy driver…
TruckSuds: a truckin’ soap opera Miles here. Strange happenin’s at Mamie’s this week. I’d just finished fillin’ the paper towel dispensers and windshield washer containers at the fuel islands when a kinda battered, older rig pulled into the far island. Wouldn’t have noticed except there seemed to be a real…